Darmowa dostawa Darmowa dostawa od 400 zł


Producent: Asmodee
  • Dostawa: od 7,99 zł Więcej przesyłek
  • Ean: 3558380026044

Koszt wysyłki jest uzależniony od wagi zamówionego towaru i zaczyna się już od 8 zł. Dokładny koszt jest podany w momencie wyboru sposobu przesyłki oraz sposobu płatności przy zamawianiu towaru. Najniższa cena wysyłki podana jest na stronie każdego produktu.
Przy każdym produkcie podana jest też waga i można sprawdzić cenę wysyłki według poniższej tabeli.

Przesyłka krajowa

Rodzaj dostawy/płatności

do 400 zł

powyżej 400 zł

Czas dostawy
od momentu wysłania

zwykły przelew,
karta płatnicza

Płatność przy odbiorze

Kurier48 Poczta Polska

11 zł

14 zł


do 72h

Kurier DPD

15 zł

18.5 zł



Paczkomat INPOST

9 zł

13 zł


do 48h

Kurier 48 Odbiór w Punkcie

7.99 zł



do 48h

Paczka w ruchu

5.99 zł



do 5dni

Odbiór własny
Kościańska 30/1 , 61-112 Poznań




od poniedziałku do piątku
w godzinach 10:30 - 18:00 po wcześniejszym ustaleniu terminu

Przesyłka zagraniczna
Waga Cena
do 0,34kg 23zł
od 0,35kg
do 0,99kg
od 1kg
do 1,99kg
od 2kg
do 15kg
Produkt archiwalny
Opis produktu
 The Koryŏ dynasty is now defunct, replaced by the Chosŏn dynasty founded by General Yi. Unfortunately, soon after its founding, intriguers nicknamed the “Watchers“, appeared all over the realm of Chosŏn. And ever since, feud and disorder has sprouted everywhere. But this time, instead of the usual political contests and sneaky manipulations, armed warfare has become the rule. The influence of the “Watchers“ on some families has grown very strong and some whisper they have such extraordinary powers as allowing them to travel through time.

Chosŏn is a thematic sequel to Koryŏ set in the same uchronian and politico-steampunk universe, and gameplay is similar in the two games.

The game lasts eight rounds, and in each round, each player draws a specified number of cards, then simultaneously plays face down (1) as many characters as desired from one family, (2) one character from each of two different families, (3) one character and one event card, or (4) three event cards. Each family has a value ranging from 1 to 9, which indicates both the number of cards in the family and the number of victory points the player controlling this family will score at the end of the game.

Players reveal their cards in order clockwise from the round's start player. If she played one character and one event, she carries out the power of this event, swapping two characters or eliminating one held by another player. She also carries out the powers of any family that she controls, i.e., that she holds more cards of than any other player. The family powers let you protect one family, keep event cards, double the power of an event, steal the first player token, etc. At the end of each round, players discard characters in play (if needed) and discard everything in hand.

After eight rounds, players tally their scores based on the families they control, influence scored during the game, and possession of Yi's Legacy, which is acquired by playing three event cards. Whoever has the highest score wins.

Liczba graczy:     2 - 4 osoby
Wiek:     od 14 lat
Czas gry:     ok. 15 minut
Wydawca:     Asmodee
Projektant:     Gun-Hee Kim
Wydanie:     angielskie
Instrukcja:     angielska

Zawartość pudełka:
  •     63 karty
  •     15 żetonów
  •     instrukcja

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