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KeyForge: Adventures - Rise of Keyraken

KeyForge: Adventures - Rise of Keyraken
  • Dostawa: od 7,99 zł Więcej przesyłek
  • Ean: 850039408014
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Opis produktu
Rise of the Keyraken is a KeyForge: Adventure in which 1-3 players collaborate to defeat a great evil threatening the construct and denizens of the Crucible.   The monstrous Keyraken must be defeated before it rises to the surface. By harnessing the power of their own decks, clever teamwork, and by strategically manipulating a special Keyraken Tide card, players may overcome this emerging terror!   Key Points: Collaborative Game Experience. Single player mode for gameplay at any time. Appeals to huge established KeyForge fanbase. Hang-or-stand clamshell for flexible retail merchandising. Includes "Nightmare" mode for extra challenge and replayability.

TerazGry.pl - Planszowe, Karciane, Fabularne, Zręcznościowe, Strategiczne, Łamigłówki. Sklep z grami planszowymi. Wszelkie Prawa Zastrzeżone. All Rights Reserved.

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